The cluster offers its members and clients the following services:
Consulting services regarding:
- various financing options – bank financing, investment financing from European funds and other international and national programs
- preparation, development, organization, management and subsequent implementation of activities on European and national projects in the field of innovation, technological renewal of production enterprises, energy efficiency, development of integrated rural tourism, human resources
- General Data Protection Regulation rules
IT based services:
- Hosting with unlimited traffic
- creation of websitesre presentative, online stores, etc.
- IT consulting services and subscription support
- Virtual Servers (VPS)
- Development and implementation of software solutions
- Construction and maintenance of video surveillance
- Design, construction and maintenance of network infrastructure
- Cyber security, information protection, data backup and recovery
Other services:
- Accounting services
- PR and communications
- Organization of special events – trainings and seminars, press conferences, conferences, round tables, commercial events, etc.
The main activity of the cluster is related to the development and practical application of the most modern innovative technological solutions in the field of personalized medicine. The cluster organizes on-line brain storming meetings with the aim to discuss new ideas, solutions to various tasks and projects in this area.