About Us

The Innovative cluster “Simulation models in medicine” is a network structure of similar, interconnected and complementary competitive companies and organizations, with active channels for business relationships, daily communication and dialogue. The leading idea behind creating a cluster is to pool expertise, resources, potential and motivation with the purpose of stimulation of innovation activity and active joint activities for the study of “good practices” in the introduction of innovations in health care, sharing of knowledge and skills for the effective implementation of technology transfer in medicine, studies and technology transfer in the field of simulation and in-silico models in medicine, as well as the creation and pilot implementation of competitive products and personalized services for patients with different types of diseases.
The Innovative cluster “Simulation models in medicine” is oriented towards specialized innovative and scientific research activity, the basis of which is the connection of the information technologies opportunities with the scientific potential of specialist doctors and patients. The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, the processing of Big data are the main elements characterizing the modern information society. They enable process optimization, productivity improvements, cost containment and improved access to quality medical service.
Another emphasis is the creation of a “network” of partnerships with organizations and companies working in the field of healthcare and information technologies in Bulgaria and abroad.


The mission of the Innovative Cluster “Simulation models in medicine” is to contribute to the protection and improvement of human health through the support and development of the industry for a healthy lifestyle, personalized medicine, medical tourism, improving access to a quality health service that meets real patients needs, using the opportunities of implementing modern technologies and equipment in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system with a focus on thyroid gland diseases, as well as opportunities for multiplication in other areas of medicine.