Innovative cluster “Simulation models in medicine”

The main activity of the cluster is related to the development and practical application of the most modern innovative technological solutions in the field of personalized medicine.
Innovation cluster “Simulation models in medicine” is a beneficiary under grant contract BG16RFOP002-1.016-0014-C01 and implements the project Support for Innovation cluster for simulation models in medicine. The project was financed under the Operational Program “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, under procedure BG16RFOP002-1.016 “Development of innovation clusters”, financed by the EU through low funds for regional development.

About Innovative cluster “Simulation models in medicine”

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“Innovative Cluster Simulation Models in Medicine” Athens, Greece
In May 2022, members of the "Innovative Cluster Simulation Models in Medicine" v...
“Innovative Cluster Simulation Models in Medicine” Rome, Italy
In May 2022, members of the Innovation Cluster Simulation Models in Medicine vis...